NYC Central Park (from helium balloons)
An arieal view of Central Park. This low altitude perspective was achieved with the help of a bunch of helium balloons.
Central Park takes up a huge chunk of the island of Manhattan. The fact that this video was shot being released presumably near Columbus circle and let to fly over Central Park resulting in an 18 minute video is good proof of how big the place is. The video is a bit long, so skipping through to different parts rather than watching the whole thing may be advisable.
TheBalloonProject sent a video camera above central park attached to helium balloons and had 15 bike messengers chase it down to it's landing spot. The Balloon Project creators Luca and Ira will be interviewed by CNN were interviewed Saturday March 9, 2008 at 12:30 and 5:30 EST in the show "News To Me." This video includes many things that you would obviously expect to see like balloons,taxi cabs, helicopters, bike messengers, frozen lakes, lots of trees, and skyscrapers.
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